We deliver within a 60 mile radius of Goshen IN.

Now including lower Michigan!


2920 Elkhart Rd.

Goshen IN 46526

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Click below to visit the Maxon website. 

The Office Barn offers office design services in Goshen, IN, and the surrounding areas, using prefix and emerge maxon panel systems. Whether you are wanting a design to suit a single person office or setting up multiple cubicles, our panel systems can be customized to suit your needs. We also carry a wide variety of office furniture and office supplies in Goshen, IN, to compliment your office space. For more information on our office design services contact us, or visit us today!



Mon - Thurs

8:30 - Noon 

and 2:00 - 5:00

Friday 8:30 - Noon

Copyright 2001- 2018

The Office Barn Inc.


Office design services in Goshen, IN

Office design services Goshen, IN